Feb 26, 2020
Did you miss our fourth installment of co-hosting Love from the Hyp on 1150 KKNW? Never fear, here it is! We chat with Sage Sisters Podcast regular, Sharlean Windus, to discuss Energetic Hygiene. What is it, why is it important, and how you can start practicing energetic hygiene today! It's another episode of Sage...
Feb 21, 2020
On this week's episode of Sage Sisters Podcast, we sit down with Stephanie Xenos aka The Money Muse to talk: Money, Money, Money, MO-NEY! (You have to sing it!) At age 32, Stephanie had achieved financial independence and retired from her career as a rocket scientist. Now she works as a financial coach to help...
Feb 14, 2020
In this week's episode of Sage Sisters Podcast, we chat with Dr. Janelle Clayton, chiropractor, clairvoyant psychic medium, and energy healer. Dr. Janelle shares how she went from pursuing a career in fine art to chiropractic medicine to fully embracing her gifts as a medium and energy healer. She even channels...
Feb 7, 2020
Raise your hand if you have had awkward sex, felt unsure about your connection with your partner, or caught your significant other checking out someone else right in front of you. (Hands raised over here)! On this week's episode of Sage Sisters Podcast, we talk with Sex and Dating Coach, Gretchen Shanks, about all those...