Jul 17, 2020
Have you ever thought about what types of rituals your ancestors held dear to mark celebrations, sorrows, and the passage of time? What herbs, animals, plants, and spirits did they call on? Did they closely follow the seasons, the moon, or something else? In this episode, we chat with Sharlean Windus about all of our...
Feb 26, 2020
Did you miss our fourth installment of co-hosting Love from the Hyp on 1150 KKNW? Never fear, here it is! We chat with Sage Sisters Podcast regular, Sharlean Windus, to discuss Energetic Hygiene. What is it, why is it important, and how you can start practicing energetic hygiene today! It's another episode of Sage...
Nov 22, 2019
On this week's episode of Sage Sisters Podcast, we share our first remote interview (recorded during MRx!) with Sara Banta, who is a health coach, natural supplement expert, and founder of Accelerated Health Products. Sara shares how her own health struggles, and those of her children, drove her passion for nutrition,...
Oct 25, 2019
Since we are less than a week away from Halloween and the veil is thin, we thought we would celebrate this mystical time with a fun conversation about the differences between ghosts and spirits, mediums and psychics, and more with friend of the show, Sharlean Windus! It's another episode of Sage Sisters Podcast!
Oct 4, 2019
Today we chat with Sharlean Windus all about using Crystal Pendulums and how they can be helpful tools in your life and spiritual growth! How do you pick out a pendulum? What do you use it for? How do you cleanse and program it? We answer all these questions on this episode of Sage Sisters Podcast!
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